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Sels et pierres de spa

Overall well-being

Inner harmony

Every individual has the power to improve their overall well-being, but sometimes the body needs a helping hand. As a massage therapist, I can help you find your centre of balance while respecting your needs.

Relaxation massage

Self esteem

Offering a massage session to a loved one and saying: "Enjoy, you deserve it." is satisfying. We like to take care of others. But what about ourselves? No need to wait until you're in pain to book an appointment. We can give ourselves the right to have a moment to ourselves and take care of ourselves too.

Therapeutic massage

Muscle relaxation

Swedish massage includes several maneuvers performed on the muscles and fascia at different depths. Muscle tensions and adhesions can be reduced to relieve musculoskeletal discomfort or pain. The session will target a specific part of the body.

Anxiety management

Mind-body approach

Professional touch in massage therapy goes far beyond simply touching the skin and muscles, it can reach what what is deepest within us. Body and mind are inseparable. The physiological benefits of massage help reduce the effects of anxiety. Practised in a caring and non-judgmental environment, massage therapy can help you.

Pain management

Individualized intervention

Living with a health condition that causes chronic pain greatly reduces the quality and enjoyment of life. Its impact should not be underestimated. The benefits of massage are recognized to be effective in the management of chronic pain when the approach is adapted to each individual's condition.

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